My Essay Writer


Friday, 11 November 2011

Pursuing a Career in Education Management

If you are an educator or a professional holding a non-teaching position at a higher education institution and you are planning to pursue career advancement, then, a career field in higher education management or also known as management for the higher education level institution could be the career option that you need. This career field is usually described as working in a higher administrative or management job position that is involved in the managing, leading and directing the practices and policies at universities, colleges, professional schools, and other types of higher education level institutions.

There are several requirements for individuals who want pursue a career in management position in a higher education level institution. The primary education requirement is completing a doctoral degree or master's degree such as a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Higher Education Management. This MBA degree usually takes two years to complete and is intended to provide the student with several skills involved in administrative and management job positions.

If you are serious in pursuing a career in higher education management, you should also know the duties or roles involved in a management position for a higher education institution. The duties or roles include:
  1. Overseeing and managing the teaching staff and members of the support staff, helping in resolving labour conflicts with the faculty staff and support staff, and conducting negotiations with the faculty and support staff over employment contracts, and other labour related issues or concerns.
  2. Negotiating and holding dialogues with students, and resolving conflicts between the students and school management.
  3. Helping in creation of financial plans for the school, creating and carrying out of programmes that would allow the instruction to keep up with academic standards for higher education and standards for school facilities and infrastructure, forming curricula structures, and in conceptualisation of plans or programmes to improve the instruction's capabilities for educating and teaching.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Career Option in Distance Education Management

        Distance education or distance learning is the use of teaching methods and technologies for delivering the teaching to students who are not physically present in a traditional classroom setting. In recent years, the growth and expansion of distance education approach that uses electronic and online technologies in delivering the teaching to students have resulted in a new career opportunity known as distance education management or also known as the distance education manager or administrator.

         If you are a teacher or educator involved in teaching a distance education programme or involved in the teaching support staff of a school or organisation involved in distance education, then, a job as a distance education manager could be a good opportunity for career change and job growth for you. Distance education management is primarily involved in managing or supervising a distance education programme or department. The job also involves managing the staff and programmes involved in delivering the instruction or teaching of the distance learning courses. If you are currently involved in a teaching job or in an administrative job related to education, and you want to pursue an advancement in career and possible salary increase, a job as a distance education manager could be your greatest chance to achieve those goals.

        If you believe that you have the skills for leadership, a distance education management job is a good opportunity to become a leader with chances for advancing into an administrative or supervisory position and a possible increase in salary. So how do you become a distance education manager? The general qualifications to become a distance education manager includes completing a master's degree or doctorate degree in education with considerable work experience as distance education teacher or instruction. Passing an accredited certification exam administered by a recognised professional organisation or certifying body would lead to the title of certified distance education manager.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Writing an Essay on Education Management Job Requirements

        The field of education management or also known as educational management is usually defined as management job positions for educators or education professionals in administrator or managerial level positions in organisations or institutions involved in education such as education agencies in the national, state and local government levels, schools, non-government organisations involved in education policy making, and other organisations involved in education issues and concerns.

        As a second year university student taking up a bachelor's degree in education and planning to be a licensed teacher when I graduate, the education essay writing topic on education management that I selected could not have been more relevant because when I become a licensed teacher, I am also planning to aspire for higher administrative or executive level positions when I am given the chance to work in an organisation or institution that is besides a school. So I decided that my essay on educational management would focus on the theme of the education and professional requirements for educators who want to work in administrative and management level positions.

        In my education management essay, I stated that the four-year bachelor's degree in education and a teaching license are enough for entry-level administrative positions in state-funded preschool and kindergarten schools. But administrative positions in state-funded primary and secondary schools would require postgraduate or master's degrees. For administrative and executive level positions in government agencies involved in education, the requirements would usually be stricter such as having master's or doctoral degrees, extensive experience in lower level administrative positions, and additional training or professional certifications from accredited professional organisations.

        Another career approach in educational management is working in universities and colleges where there are additional requirements. A university or college would require master's or doctorate degrees, professional training or certifications, and the individual should preferably have worked as a professor or lecturer in the educational institution where is applying for an administrative position.

Monday, 5 September 2011

The Purpose of Education Management

Education management refers to the field of study and practice which is concerned with the operation of educational organizations. Educational Management, according to researcher Tony Bush argues that education management has to be concerned with the purpose or aims of education. These objectives or aims serve to provide a crucial sense of direction in managing educational institutions. At the heart of education management is the process of deciding on the goals and objectives of the educational institution. In some schools, universities and colleges, it is the principal or the president, whichever is the title of the organization's highest official, that decides these goals and objectives. Often, this is done with the help of the principal or president's senior colleagues and even the school board or its stakeholders, in the case of a private corporation. However, in many educational institutions, education management with respect to goal setting is a corporate activity done by formal bodies or informal groups or individuals.

The aims or objectives of a school are a direct influence of strong pressure from its external environment. Many countries have formulated their own national curriculum, which often leave little room for schools to formulate their own educational goals or objectives. Instead, these institutions may just be left with the residual task of dealing with external imperatives rather than formulating their goals and objectives based on their own assessment of what their students require. The important issue to be addressed in education management is the extent to which school managers have the control to modify government policy and develop alternate views based on school-level values and their vision.

In Education Management as a field of study, its main theories are classified into six major models. All of these major models have been given significant focus within the literature concerning educational education management. In addition, they have all been subjected to empirical verification. These education management models are as follows:

  • Formal
  • Collegial
  • Political
  • Subjective
  • Ambiguity
  • Cultural

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Writing My Essay on Education Management Information Systems

In the field of education, the combination of information systems and education management is called as education management information systems (EMIS) – a system for data collection, storage, retrieval, processing and dissemination that is particularly built for use by education administrators and managers in planning and administering the formal education system in particular country, community or location. As a second year university student taking up an undergraduate degree in education, we were assigned to an essay on information systems and education management that we would write and complete within two weeks. So I decided to focus my topic on EMIS and its importance for the education system of the country.

I researched and studied books and various other materials about education management information systems. I learned many things about EMIS and I decided to focus my topic on the importance of EMIS for the formal education system. In my essay, I mentioned that the importance of EMIS is related to its purpose and on how it could improve the education system in the country. I first mentioned that a comprehensive EMIS could contribute in improving the state funded education system because the educational institutions at all levels that have the systems for collecting, integrating, processing, maintaining and disseminating data and information would be able to have an improved system for their decision making and policy analysis.

In my essay, I also mentioned that the primary purpose of the education management information systems included: improving the integrity and quality of data and information; systematizing the identification, collection, evaluation,
processing, generation, and dissemination of data; strengthening of the ability of the institution in managing, planning and controlling the flow of information in and outside the organisation; producing updated bulletins, brochures, status reports, and other statistical information for management activities and functions; and providing the mechanisms for meeting the increased demand for data and information materials.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Essay Topic on Courses and Career Options in Education Management

         The field of education management is concerned with the job positions or career opportunities that the educators or education professionals could take aside from teaching or lecturing positions in academic settings. This field is one of the subjects we discussed during the third term as a second year student taking up a bachelor of science in education and is the focus of a coursework we did for that term.

        Since I had plans of taking up a career in administrative or management jobs in education when I have completed a few years of teaching experience after I graduated from my degree, I figured that I should have a good written coursework topic on educational management. Since our coursework on this subject is an essay writing task, I decided to focus the essay subject on the topic of courses and career options for educators planning to take up jobs in educational management. I planned, prepared and made the extensive research on the course options and career paths about the topic, took notes of important information, and collected the relevant materials for my essay topic.

        My coursework essay on educational management would first discuss the courses that an educator could take in learning about educational management. I learned that a postgraduate degrees such as master's degree could prepare educators for senior administrative or school principal positions in primary and secondary level schools. On the other hand, doctorate degree programmes would enable educators take up lecturer or upper management positions in higher education institutions such as universities or professional schools.

        The second part of my coursework essay discussed the specific fields in administrative or management positions that are available for graduates of courses or degrees in educational management. The specific fields include conflict management in the workplace, managing the diversity of different communities or minorities of the students and the teaching staff, and development, improvement and upgrading of educational technologies.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Education Management Goal Setting

        Education management is the field of study and practice relating to the management or operation of educational organisations. It should be done in consonance to the purpose, aims or goals of education.
  1. Subordination to Education – People in education management should formulate goals or purposes which should be the source of the very essence and direction of educational institutions and their management. This connection of the purpose and operation of schools must be clearly defined so that educational management can be done in the correct means. Without this, the educational set up and procedures are subjected to managerialism which will bring damage to the purpose and values of education. In true educational management, management does not have independent goals of its own; its goals should be dependent and subordinate to the goals of education. Managers of an educational institution can have as mission or objective which is efficiency; however, this efficiency in achieving the mission or objectives should be subordinate to the goals of education itself.
  2. Heart of Education Management – Formulating the goals of an educational institution as an organisation is the most important element in educational management. There are cases wherein the organisational goals of the educational institution is formulated by the principal, usually in cooperation with senior colleagues and maybe a few certain lay stakeholders. However, there are many educational institutions which assign goal setting as a corporate activity to formal bodies, like the board of directors, or informally assembled groups.
  3. Regulation – Aims of schools or any learning institution could be greatly shaped by pressures from external factors. For example, lots of countries promulgate national curriculums which usually allow very little freedom on the part of the management of the school in formulating their school goals and educational aims. Academic entities would be left with only the left-over task of giving their interpretation of the imperative given by the government instead of formulating goals based on student need assessments they have made on their own.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Why I Became A Teacher In The Management Of Online Education

I was already teaching for more than six years as a teacher in a secondary school in a suburb of San Diego, where I decided I wanted a higher position in school administration as a deputy president or even a primary day. I knew the situation of primary education by the administration charge of higher education is to have a masters or doctorate. Then I heard about the academic program of management education and management education and related courses.

I learned that education is a program of academic and management to train teachers, professors and educators who work in positions of administration or management in institutions of education, training or education. So I decided that the intake of teacher education is the best management plans to get training in my career, becoming the school's vice principal or principal, or a higher management position, or state agency is involved in education.

The two educational options for me is getting my master's degree from a college or university or get an online master's online school. Since I could not leave my current job as a high school teacher and losing a source of income, I decided to take a Masters in Management Education online university providing academic programs are accredited and recognized by an approved certification body. The main advantage of taking my degree online is that I have a desktop at home and a laptop that I would be able to take my courses online at home or at work when I have free time. Also, my online courses in educational management allowed me to have a flexible class schedule so you can share my time between my work and teaching classes online.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Why I Took an Online Master's Degree in Education Management

         I was already teaching for more than six years as a senior teacher at a secondary school at the suburb of San Diego when I decided I wanted to have a higher position in school administration such as being a vice-principal or even a school principal someday. I knew that the primary education prerequisite for a higher school administration position is to have master's or a doctorate degree. Then, I heard about the academic programme of education management or educational management and the courses related to it.

         I learned that educational management is an academic and training programme of educating teachers, lecturers, and other educators on working in administration or management positions in educational or learning institutions. So I decide that taking a master's degree in education management is the best educational path in my plans of obtaining career advancement by becoming a school vice-principal or principal, or in a higher administrative or management position in a government agency involved in education.

          The two educational options available for me is obtaining my master's degree a college or university campus or getting an online master's degree from an online school. Since I could not give up my present work as a secondary school teacher and lose a source of income, I decided to take up a master's degree in education management from an online university that provided academic degree programmes that are accredited and recognised by an authorised accreditation body. The primary benefit of taking my online degree is that I owned a desktop computer at home and a laptop computer so that I would be able to take my online classes either at home or at work when I have the free time. Moreover, my online course in educational management enabled me to have a flexible class schedule so that I could divide my time between my teaching job and my online classes.