My Essay Writer


Friday, 15 July 2011

Education Management Goal Setting

        Education management is the field of study and practice relating to the management or operation of educational organisations. It should be done in consonance to the purpose, aims or goals of education.
  1. Subordination to Education – People in education management should formulate goals or purposes which should be the source of the very essence and direction of educational institutions and their management. This connection of the purpose and operation of schools must be clearly defined so that educational management can be done in the correct means. Without this, the educational set up and procedures are subjected to managerialism which will bring damage to the purpose and values of education. In true educational management, management does not have independent goals of its own; its goals should be dependent and subordinate to the goals of education. Managers of an educational institution can have as mission or objective which is efficiency; however, this efficiency in achieving the mission or objectives should be subordinate to the goals of education itself.
  2. Heart of Education Management – Formulating the goals of an educational institution as an organisation is the most important element in educational management. There are cases wherein the organisational goals of the educational institution is formulated by the principal, usually in cooperation with senior colleagues and maybe a few certain lay stakeholders. However, there are many educational institutions which assign goal setting as a corporate activity to formal bodies, like the board of directors, or informally assembled groups.
  3. Regulation – Aims of schools or any learning institution could be greatly shaped by pressures from external factors. For example, lots of countries promulgate national curriculums which usually allow very little freedom on the part of the management of the school in formulating their school goals and educational aims. Academic entities would be left with only the left-over task of giving their interpretation of the imperative given by the government instead of formulating goals based on student need assessments they have made on their own.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Why I Became A Teacher In The Management Of Online Education

I was already teaching for more than six years as a teacher in a secondary school in a suburb of San Diego, where I decided I wanted a higher position in school administration as a deputy president or even a primary day. I knew the situation of primary education by the administration charge of higher education is to have a masters or doctorate. Then I heard about the academic program of management education and management education and related courses.

I learned that education is a program of academic and management to train teachers, professors and educators who work in positions of administration or management in institutions of education, training or education. So I decided that the intake of teacher education is the best management plans to get training in my career, becoming the school's vice principal or principal, or a higher management position, or state agency is involved in education.

The two educational options for me is getting my master's degree from a college or university or get an online master's online school. Since I could not leave my current job as a high school teacher and losing a source of income, I decided to take a Masters in Management Education online university providing academic programs are accredited and recognized by an approved certification body. The main advantage of taking my degree online is that I have a desktop at home and a laptop that I would be able to take my courses online at home or at work when I have free time. Also, my online courses in educational management allowed me to have a flexible class schedule so you can share my time between my work and teaching classes online.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Why I Took an Online Master's Degree in Education Management

         I was already teaching for more than six years as a senior teacher at a secondary school at the suburb of San Diego when I decided I wanted to have a higher position in school administration such as being a vice-principal or even a school principal someday. I knew that the primary education prerequisite for a higher school administration position is to have master's or a doctorate degree. Then, I heard about the academic programme of education management or educational management and the courses related to it.

         I learned that educational management is an academic and training programme of educating teachers, lecturers, and other educators on working in administration or management positions in educational or learning institutions. So I decide that taking a master's degree in education management is the best educational path in my plans of obtaining career advancement by becoming a school vice-principal or principal, or in a higher administrative or management position in a government agency involved in education.

          The two educational options available for me is obtaining my master's degree a college or university campus or getting an online master's degree from an online school. Since I could not give up my present work as a secondary school teacher and lose a source of income, I decided to take up a master's degree in education management from an online university that provided academic degree programmes that are accredited and recognised by an authorised accreditation body. The primary benefit of taking my online degree is that I owned a desktop computer at home and a laptop computer so that I would be able to take my online classes either at home or at work when I have the free time. Moreover, my online course in educational management enabled me to have a flexible class schedule so that I could divide my time between my teaching job and my online classes.