When students complain and express their grievances, to whom do they address it? When school folks become too divided in purpose and become chaotic, which educational aspect or system subsists to make them whole again? These who-questions are probably answered with a lifting nod, indicating the school authorities, the ones responsible for doing ‘education management.’
This management could only be inclusive of covering: from the finest detail of educational workings, to the general concept of school’s all. Students may wonder what aspect of educational institutions needs managing; everyone seems to have their hands for everything in the campus. Some teach while others assist the ones teaching. And there are several facilitators – of the building, educational facilities, security, et cetera. Indeed, education management touches all.
As much of education, its organisation, and systems included progresses, management has become increasingly significant and challenging. It requires the ‘education managers’ to be dynamic and not resist change. It pulls the demand from students, parents, policy-makers, to the bigger societal needs and global heeds.
And not all can make the same huge leap, only incremental ones. This is not in focus of the receptivity of education management; the management simply has no choice but characteristically to be so. The pressing issue is how much it can take alone, as an independent unit; and addressing limits, who are its allies and prospective partners.
Another point is that educational institutions need not just partners to absorb the shock of demands. Opening the educational institutions and systems for that kind of external partners is simply recognising the growing need for participation of education’s stakeholders. Everybody knows the risk inherent in expanding the scope of decision-makers, but it is not just sufficient enough to be contented with consultations. Evidently, there just has to be more in this ‘management’ equation.